Chapter 3
One Way Ticket
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 is the meat of the Campaign, where the players are exploring a train station in order to power up the trains and ride away to safety.
I wanted to add some difficulty to this area, so I added some light platforming in the form of walking across the planks and dodging trains. I found that while the mechanics of platforming in the game is very basic, it's incredibly fun to do. In addition, I have 2 Panic Events (where the zombies become enraged and rush at the players) as opposed to 1 in Chapter 1 and 2 respectively. These coupled with walking across the planks and dodging oncoming trains turned out to be incredibly fun and laughter-inducing when you see your friend get blindsided by a freight train while they're distracted with a zombie. In order to minimize frustration however, I had the players first cross the train tracks when they are depowered, so that they could feel comfortable and learn the space before they had to travel across it again when they power them back on, |